• BTS Vehicle Services

  • Blenheim Testing Station Ltd specialises in providing independent, unbiased, warrant of fitness (WOF) services for cars, utes, vans, motorcycles, trailers, and other light vehicles.

    We also do vehicle pre-purchase checks and vehicle safety checks. Plus, we are an NZTA approved outlet for motor registration services.

    If you not sure if something is wrong with your vehicle and would like some FREE unbiased advice, come in and let us have a look.

  • Services
  • Vehicle Services at BTS

  • Sales
  • For Sale at BTS

  • STABILUS Gas Stays

    Uncontrolled movements when opening and closing, lifting and lowering lids are dangerous, uncomfortable, and apply stress on the material.

    Stabilus motion dampers and lid stop dampers solve this problem by applying a damping force that controls the motion during lifting/lowering. They also reduce material wear by avoiding hard stops in the end position.

    At BTS, we sell automotive gas stays for the bonnets/hoods and boots/trunks/tailgates of a range of vehicles.